I am a servant

Small Voice Today
2 min readDec 30, 2021


I am a servant. by Small Voice Today

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect — 1 Peter 3:15

Is Jesus your Lord? If He is then people will notice!

The word “Lord” is in the Bible hundreds of times, but what does it mean? It was used of someone who had power and authority over another. It was used by a servant as a term of honor or respect for their master, and by anyone who was honoring another. It was a title given to God as creator and ruler of all creation.

These all apply to “setting apart” Jesus as Lord. Setting Him apart means we think of Him differently than anything else. All our thoughts are on one side, and Jesus stands completely unique on the other. We hold Him as our only authority, we honor Him as our master, and recognize Him as our powerful God.

This creates within us a wonderful expectation, a faith so strong and evident that others will ask us how we can be filled with such hope. The answer is easy — Jesus is our Lord. We are not asked to be theologians or philosophers, although we certainly can respond thoughtfully and with sound reasons (and always with gentleness). Where does our hope come from? We simply serve our Lord Jesus. That is our explanation!

Originally published at https://smallvoice.today .

