A Tale of Two Sorrows

Small Voice Today
2 min readJun 25, 2022
A Tale of Two Sorrows artwork

Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. — 2 Corinthians 7:10

It was the best of sadness, it was the worst of sadness….

Repentance is not a joyful thing. We have to face our deepest wrongs-the things that everyone knows about us or the most hidden of our darkest sins. We stand there looking straight at them with them looking back. They are ingrained in us, and it hurts as we try to tear them away from who we are. We may even feel as if we are losing something.

But Jesus turns this self-centered sadness, this misplaced sense of bereavement, into Godly sorrow. We begin to see our sins as the thing that keeps us from God’s love. Rather than mourning what we are giving up our hearts break from knowing we have been living in selfishness. We turn. We turn from ignoring our sins to acknowledging them. We turn from hiding our needs to admitting we are incapable. We turn from death to life. Repentance is not a joyful thing. But it leads to salvation. It leads to everlasting joy. And not through anything we can do, it leads to God’s wonderful love!

Originally published at https://smallvoice.today .

